Sunday, February 13, 2011

Blog 2 Assignment Response

Success and liberation to me can often be one in the same. One that has reached there successful peak can often feel liberated and accomplished. In the Hindu religion liberation is the feeling of being, experiencing the feeling of awareness, happiness, and joy. Liberation is reaching that one thing that we really want in life, but how exactly do we determine what that is.
Determining what songs actually went with what aim was more difficult than the last blog, however I found that the liberation aim was more prevalent. It was easier for me to find and relate to songs that was related to being happy, feeling like life was going just like one could imagine it, with no worries and or frustration. Jennifer Hudson’s “Giving Myself over” I felt was a very good song for liberation because it explains how she wants to free herself, give everything within her to find and be loved. Hudson says she is so happy that she feels she is living out her life’s destiny and she no longer has to run away because she is giving her body and soul over and living her life to the fullest, she is at that point in her life where she feels liberated.
I felt the success aim was more focused on materialistic things, it related very closely to the aim of pleasure. It was another on of those wanting what you want and when you want it. Fame, money, power, and sex are all materialistic. One can feel liberation through these things but for how long, just like in the Hindu religion each aim was like a phase it never last for long it eventually gets old and one then wants to experience complete liberation through a means of happiness and fulfillment of life not materialist items. Because success is everywhere and well recognized I was very surprised that it was harder for me to find songs that would relate, this in part was because there are more songs in our culture today that would fit perfect in this category and my main focus was to be original and not have songs that someone already had.

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